Small Business: Heart of DC Haiku Contest

April 28, 2022

Home News and Updates Small Business: Heart of DC Haiku Contest

CNHED’s Small Business: Heart of DC Haiku Contest is back again. The community responded so positively expressing admiration for their favorite local business that we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to invite you to create how much our local small businesses mean to you. The winner and runner up of our first Small Business: Heart of DC Haiku Contest set a high bar, let’s see if you can match it.

Originating in Japan, haiku is the shortest form of poetry in the world. In a short descriptive verse, it captures a moment in the poet’s life or simply expresses the beauty of nature.

We invite the public to write and submit original haiku inspired by the Districts small and local businesses. Instead of evoking images of the natural world poems may focus on:

  • Your favorite small local or legacy businesses;

  • What you love about the Districts local and small businesses; or

  • Why you shop local and small

Submissions will be reviewed by winners of last year’s haiku contest. The winner will receive a $150 gift card to the local small business they were inspired by.  Two runners up will receive a $50 gift card to the local small business they were inspired by.

The contest will open Monday, May 2 and the deadline to submit your haiku is Tuesday, May 31 at 11:59 pm. The winners will be announced June 14.

To learn more about how to write a haiku go here, if you have any questions please email

What is a Haiku?

A Haiku is a type of short poetry that dates back to 17th century Japan. Traditional Haiku consist of three lines. The first must have exactly 5 syllables, the second must have 7 and the third must have 5. However, several 5-7-5 stanzas can be strung together to make a longer poem. Haiku do not have to rhyme, and often don’t however authors are free to use repetition of words. Authors may also choose if they use punctuation or not.



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Nechama Masliansky  Heart of DC Haiku Contest 2021 Winner

“My fridge is empty

To the rescue: Soupegirl

Salad, soup, and bread”


“1st Ode to Teaism” Heart of DC Haiku Contest 2021  Runner Up

Chai, have you ever

Sought a cure through a cup

Thirst for what matters

Longing for normal  

Meant craving tea with sweet milk

And community


“An ode to my favorite dishes at Green Almond Pantry” Naomi Barry-Perez Heart of DC Haiku Contest 2021  Runner Up

A wheel of target green

Atop fluffy focaccia-

Parcels of delight.

Jammy yolk, laced with

Salty, briny anchovies

Party in my mouth

Tender cabbage chunks

Ooze heat, each bite brings comfort,

Nourishing my soul.

Airy whipped cream meets 

Silky, sublime chocolate

Heave in a slice



  • You may submit up to three originally crafted Haiku

  • Haiku must follow the traditional 5-7-5 format and may have anywhere from 1 to 5 stanzas.

  • Be creative and have fun!


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