Tickets are now available for CNHED’s Silver Jubilee 25th Anniversary Gala on October 22! Space is limited and running out – purchase today!


CNHED’s Commitment to Racial Equity

We are stewards of fairness, justice and equity in all that we do. Whether through direct human services, affordable housing or economic enhancement, CNHED’s work focuses on making conditions better for those who have been devalued, oppressed, subjected to racial inequity, and face injustice.
We recognize our role in addressing the systemic causes that have led the country to the place that it is now. From embracing a racial justice lens throughout all our work, to establishing a commitment to diverse and inclusive staff recruitment, CNHED supports community economic development initiatives that benefit racial and economic equity and minimize disparity.
Our approach to end racism, and the practices spurred from it, is through research, advocacy, policy solutions and systems change. Justice is why we do the work that we do.

Become a member of CNHED today

and join the fight for a District where all residents can live in thriving communities that are racially, economically and socially just!

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