Connecting Capital and Community

Launched in 2022, the Connecting Capital and Community Initiative (3C) is a multi-sector initiative to advance equitable housing results for low-to-moderate-income families and individuals living in DC.

Under this initiative, The Coalition and its collaborative partners, the National Housing Trust, Housing Counseling Services, Medici Road, and the DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), aim to decrease the displacement of residents and build wealth by increasing the supply of affordable 5–49-unit rental housing properties, and building pathways for tenants to become resident owners of smaller, 2-4- unit properties.

Impact Through Systems Change

The Coalition believes employs a holistic systems change approach throughout its initiatives and programming. As an ecosystem connector, The Coalition leverages its unique position to convene, inform, and amplify the collective force of the 3C partners. 3C is built on a platform where our partners share insights, learn from current experiences, and strategize for future action, ensuring a systems-level approach to advancing equitable housing results.

Focus Areas

Reducing Ownership Costs

3C identifies affordable properties in the District to receive 3C Critical Aid funding, which will provide owners with flexible capital to better preserve their properties, enhance resident livability, and prevent displacement in DC.

Converting Renters to Owners

The creation of a non-profit property management organization provides lower cost, mission-driven property management services that enable tenant associations and housing owners to maintain affordability at properties with naturally affordable rents.

Innovative Financing Tools

3C researches the correlation between increased creative financing mechanisms available for small unit properties and an increase in non-displacement building improvements and purchase opportunities for low-to-moderate income residents.

Thank you to our Funder.

3C is part of a larger investment from JPMorgan Chase and the Center for Community Investment to support this work in six cities: Chicago; Washington, D.C.; Los Angeles; Miami; New Orleans; and Seattle. The initiative is designed to align and advance an ambitious housing goal that goes beyond individual projects to change systems, housing policies, practices, and capital flows, and ultimately increase equitable housing results.

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and join the fight for a District where all residents can live in thriving communities that are economically just!

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