DC Council Releases Performance Oversight Hearing Schedule

January 6, 2022

Home News and Updates DC Council Releases Performance Oversight Hearing Schedule

Happy New Year! This week, the DC Council has released the draft Agency Performance Oversight Hearings schedule.

As you may know, this is your chance to provide Councilmembers input on how well District agencies are administering the programs and services that are vitally important to affordable housing and community economic development fields.

We hope you’ll register to testify for the hearings that matter most to you, your business, or your organization!

Send us your feedback!

We recognize that testifying can be daunting, but CNHED still wants to make sure we can best represent you during the performance hearings.

As an alternative to testifying, please complete the form below to share your insights and experiences with us about what’s working well and ways District agencies can improve the operation and delivery of their programs and services.

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