The District’s final FY 2023 budget makes catalytic investments to support small businesses and workforce development in rebuilding the District’s economy after the pandemic. CNHED supports the new initiatives launched by the District. We hope that essential programs and services such as the Small Business Technical Assistance (SBTA), Main Streets, and Clean Teams are sufficiently funded in FY 2023. It is also crucial that the District invest in strengthening our workforce development system by not neglecting the needs of community-based organizations providing training and services to low-income residents.
COVID19 has brought the lack of digital literacy, devices, and broadband for low-income residents to the forefront. With the federal funding being made available to state and local governments, this is an opportune time for the Mayor and the District to prioritize closing the digital divide. Unfortunately, scant investment of the District’s local dollars has been allocated to expand and enhance existing programs and efforts in the FYI 2023 budget. CNHED will continue to platform the challenges caused by the digital divide and how it is a barrier to economic mobility for low-income residents in the District and ensure that federal funding address these inequities.